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How To Be An Inspirational Leader

"People don't buy what you do, they buy why you do it." --Simon Sinek

This is a great TED Talks that breaks down the importance of explaining WHY you do what you do first.  This should happen even before explaining how, finally followed by the what.  WHAT you're teaching in the classroom loses its significance if students don't know WHY they're learning it.  By emphasizing the long-term importance of mastering concepts, students themselves can begin to think in long-term goals.  All of you students are going to college.  Talk to them and teach them like they are.  If you raise your expectations, students will understand they can push themselves to meet the new, raised bar.

If you're looking to be an inspirational leader in the classroom, here is a fantastic video to watch.

Simon Sinek: How great leaders inspire action

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